VDS Liberty 8.3
is a comprehensive paint, animation and compositing software package for Windows NT/2000/XP as well as SGI Workstations. It is used globally in hundreds of major broadcast and post-production facilities, and has been a standard graphics design package for over a decade.
Seamless Integration
Liberty has been architected to integrate seamlessly into broadcast and post-production environments, in which an application's asset management features and I/O capabilities are as important as its tool set.
Liberty has been designed as a broadcast graphics tool by and for broadcast graphic designers. General-purpose paint applications were originally intended for print and web applications, and are cumbersome in a Broadcast environment. Liberty fits right in.
Plugin Support
Additionally, Liberty V8 features support for Photoshop 5.5 filters and After Effects plug-ins. It features dozens of paint, mask, image adjustment, and text tools, and an unmatched I/O feature set.
Turnkey Options
You may purchase Liberty as a standalone application and install it on your own PC. We also offer the Liberty Reality Studio, a complete turnkey solution packaging LibertyRS software with options for an integrated DDR, a video card for realtime show and video captures, and an LCD tablet input device.
General Features:
32 or 64-Bit RGBA
Up to 8,000 x 8,000 pixel resolution
Seamless paint and animation environments
Unlimited layer graphic compositing
Paint and effects on canvas, layers or masks
Paint and effect 2D/3D warp layers
Real-time warp and filter previews
Multi-layer file management
Import/export paint layers as Photoshop layer formats
Unlimited undo/redo (user configurable)
Separate undo for canvas, temp and mask
Undo picture browser
Grid, safe title, panning and magnification tools, plus full-screen canvas view
Supports Photoshop plug-ins
Multi-channel rotoscoping with layers
Fast, automated VTR/DDR rotoscoping tools
Multi-step rotoscope undo
Extensive file importing/exporting
Simple cross-platform connectivity
Comprehensive video board, DDR, disk array support
Record, edit, save, recall, and playback macros
Multiple image and mask buffers
User configurable environment
64-Bit configurable color range display
Pressure sensitive tablet support including erasure pens
General Requirements and Support:
CPU: Runs on Intel based Windows NT / 2000 / XP systems.
RAM: Minimum 128 MB RAM recommended for SD video work. Minimum 512 MB RAM recommended for HD video or film work.
Disk Space: The installation takes under 400 MB, but you will probably want much more than that for storage of images and clips (min 9 GB).
Graphics: Requires Open GL graphics support, and display settings set for "TrueColor" (1280 x 1024 screen resolution recommended). Ask us for recommended graphics accelerator cards.
Tablets: Wacom tablets, including Cintiq, Intuos and UD Series tablets.
Fonts: TrueType fonts, as well as Liberty's native font format.
Record and Playback: Quicktime and AVI (using the Quicktime library (3.0 or above); makes use of any movie codecs installed on the system).
Video I/O Solutions:
SD Paint: Both Chyron's Digital pcCodi board and Bluefish444's Deep Blue I|O provide single frame grab and show, and real-time (live) show of Liberty's Paint Canvas (show of fill and key)
HD Paint: Chyron's HD Duet provides single frame show, and real-time (live) show of Liberty's Paint Canvas (show of fill and key)
Advanced SD Animation: Full support of Chyrons's Aprisa DDR, including clip browse, playback, render, and frame-by-frame grab (clips contain both fill and key). Liberty can run on the Aprisa system (see required graphics support above), or it can access Aprisa systems remotely (via Ethernet).
Basic SD Animation: The DPS Reality board streams video on and off of a disk array (for example, a Medea disk array. Liberty then accesses these clips as RGBA Targa (TGA) sequences, for frame-by-frame grab and render.
SD Still Store: Full support of Chyron's Aprisa Still Store, including browse, recall, and save of RGBA stills and database information, and browse, grab and show of the frame buffers. Liberty can run on the Aprisa system (see required graphics support above), or it can access Aprisa systems remotely (via Ethernet).
FTP Interfaces: Chyron iNFiNiT! and ImageStor!, including browse, recall, save, and Chyron Motion File output.
Other DDRs: Liberty supports a variety of other DDRs, including:
Accom (WSD, Xtreme, 2Xtreme), via SCSI or Ethernet
Sierra Design Labs, via SCSI or Ethernet
Pronto Video, via SCSI or Ethernet
Abekas Diskus, via Ethernet
Image/Clip File Formats
Common Graphics Formats:
GIF (stills and animation), JPEG, Photoshop Layers (PSD), PICT, PNG, SGI RGB/RGBA, Targa (TGA), TIFF, Windows BMP/DIB, Liberty IM
Movie Files: Quicktime, AVI, and SGI Movie (SGI Movie on IRIX only)
3D Software Image Renders: Alias (picture and matte), Softimage (PIC and tag), Vertigo, Wavefront (RLA/RLB)
Specialized Film/Post: Kodak Cineon, SMPTE DPX, PDI, Pixar, Prisms
Video Hardware: Avid OMF, Chyron iNFiNiT! RGBA, Chyron ImageStor! stills, Chyron Motion Files, Raw YUV (stills and clips)
Legacy hardware: Quantel VPB, Aurora sim, Aurora 200 series (including 280), DP/Max (DP/Max is read only), Scitex CT2T (Scitex is write only), and Quantel MO import (using software from Aurora Borealis)
Not vista compatible.
Program is full version 100% working and tested. 8.3
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